Czech National Pavilion for EXPO 2025 Comes Alive in Virtual Reality

Representatives of partner companies, regions, cities, other institutions, and even journalists were able to tour a virtual twin of the pavilion before the launch of its construction.

The Czech pavilion for the EXPO 2025 was toured by stakeholders at the Virtuplex one year before the opening of the world exhibition. During this event, Czech EXPO 2025 Commissioner Ondřej Soška signed the contract with the company that will build the Czech national pavilion, Japanese construction company Daisue represented by its CEO Kazunori Murao.

“The ability to walk around the pavilion using a 3D headset and see it in full scale, eliminating various problems before we even begin construction while showing a very realistic model to our contracted and potential partners is invaluable,” Soška said.

The presentation of the Czech national pavilion for EXPO 2025 in Osaka in virtual reality showed the immense benefits that VR brings. The pavilion could be toured at the Virtuplex from the earliest phases of its design and tweaked with the architects down to the tiniest detail: from the materials used to the intensity of the interior lighting. The virtual model also helped create the first video of the Czech national pavilion.

“We were able to discuss the project with the EXPO organizing team and even simulate walking through its main areas. As your touring the model in full scale, you can really understand all the dimensions, interior sight lines, as well as the views from it. The range of solutions for the interior also allows commercial partners to have a better idea of the potential uses for the space,” Virtuplex CEO Martin Petrovický explained after months of prepartions for the event.

Journalists Go on a Virtual Tour Many major Czech media also took advantage of the opportunity to tour the Czech national pavilion, including public broadcasters Czech Radio and Czech Television, the Czech News Agency, as well as journalists from Forbes, Deník N, and Právo. Altogether, representatives of 17 different media outlets took part.

These media members were able to get information from the best sources including Soška and the architects of the pavilion from Apropos Architects. Journalists also met the Czech mascot for the event: exponaut René designed by visual glass artist René Roubíček. The event also included the Japanese tradition of breaking open a barrel of saké and subsequently drinking it to celebrate the signature of the construction contract to build the pavilion with Daisue CEO Kazunori Murao.