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24. september 2022

Czech Mint Opens its Virtual Doors to the Public Thanks to Virtuplex

People can now take a close look at how coins they carry in their pockets are made thanks to a new virtual reality application developed by the Czech Mint in cooperation with the Virtuplex.

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24. september 2022

Stavební fórum Conference Presents New Trends and Technologies Including VR

What do leading Czech developers think about how virtual and augmented reality influence real estate. Is virtual reality the future for Czech business? These and other questions were topics of discussions among leading Czech experts at the conference held in the Virtuplex organized by trade magazine Stavební fórum.

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17. august 2022

Crestyl Uses VR to Fine-Tune its Proposal for a New Neighbourhood

The multi-purpose Dornych project will replace an old commercial centre next to Brno’s main train station in the coming years. The developer, Crestyl, decided to work with the Virtuplex to improve its proposal for a new neighbourhood.

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13. july 2022

Virtuplex OS Provides Procter&Gamble with Remote Virtual Reality Experience

It’s no longer necessary to be at the Virtuplex in Prague to experience free movement
in virtual reality. The Virtuplex team can now bring all the necessary equipment to
create a VR space anywhere the client needs.

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11. july 2022

Redstone Real Estate Uses VR to Find the Ideal Configuration for Galerie Pernerka

The need to fine-tune the key elements of a project led Redstone Real Estate to turn to the Virtuplex, which allowed the architect and developer to tour Galerie Pernerka in VR, and future tenants could as well thanks to the Virtuplex OS app.

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24. june 2022

Procter & Gamble’s Use of Virtual Reality to Present Products Fosters Better Discussions with Partners

Improving communication with partners, better use of resources, and demands for innovative consumer research brought Procter & Gamble (P&G) and Virtuplex

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29. april 2022

Tourists Can See the Czech Republic in Virtual Reality with CzechTourism’s App

This virtual guide will take people to spa town Mariánské Lázně, the Žofín ballroom, a village celebration in Moravia, and to the Prachov Rocks.

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21. april 2022

Students Tour Moon Base and Discuss Space Colonization in the Virtuplex

Twenty talented students in the Moon Camp Challenge project organized by the European Space Education Resource Office exchanged their desks for virtual reality goggles last week.

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1. march 2022

Residents of Černošice got acquainted with the new cemetery in VR

A new memorial site will be built on the outskirts of Černošice near Prague, where its inhabitants will be able to say goodbye to their deceased. They could see what it will look like today.

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15. february 2022

Virtual reality begins to have a firm place in architecture thanks to ČVUT University

The use of VR in architecture has been booming recently. Students of the Prague CTU, with which Virtuplex has established cooperation, are also learning how to use it in their profession.

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1. february 2022

Commercial Centre Máj: Virtual Reality Helping to Lease Commercial Space

Amádeus Real has more than 30 years of experience in building, operating, and leasing commercial, office, and residential developments.

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15. january 2022

Marco Donati: Virtual Reality Turns Stores into Brand Hubs Where You Can Present Their History and Philosophy

Italian architect and designer Marco Donati, the founder of the renowned Storage Milano studio, authored the concept of Vermont’s exclusive multi-brand stores that the company had transposed into virtual reality in the Virtuplex.

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